Just a heads up, this blog has moved to a new web site I've started up. Feel free to visit me there:


Well, I guess it's not always work.

Here I am having some fun with the Fam on Nantasket Beach.

Evan loves it too!

When Mommy and Daddy told me about a new baby and read all those "Big Sister" books to me, I heard about all the fun I would have...the joys of being a big sis, etc, etc.....they didn't really tell me the whole story. "Big sister" is a euphemism for "hard work and responsibility"; not to mention the sleepless nights (oh, vey!)

Taking care of a baby IS hard work.
Here I am getting Evan ready for his night-night (after I gave him a bath - notice the wet hair)

Now, at 6 months old, I am starting to read to him as well. He seems intent on chewing the book, though and is not really a "good listener." Hmph!

Here is Evan's first haircut at "Snip-its!" Mom said it was a little pricey for a 4 month old baby, but she wasn't about to take the scissors to a floppy, jiggly baby. Evan actually liked being strapped into a high pink chair and being attended to by a pretty blonde girl. Hmm....I wonder why...

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